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#Noble Engagement
#Actualised Value
#Solid Doing
What Your Result Means
Holy guacamole! You really have something going for you. You are currently at the interface of “you are great at it”, “the world needs it” and “you are paid for it”, which is a very strong, functional and meaningful place to be in. And, as with all accomplishments in life like learning how to care for potted herbs, it’s easy to focus on what’s missing. In my case that would be learning how to grow strawberries and in your case it would be loving where you are.
Now before you think I’m calling you ungrateful, know this: you statistically scored significantly less at “you love it” and this test provides a snapshot of your perceived right now and does not attempt to establish any kind of typology or assessment of your personality.
Your results do suggest that you do not perceive yourself to be in a place of joy, fulfilment or personal identification. This could be
indicative of exhaustion, the fact that you’re always pushing to reach new goals and forget to look back at ¾ of the Everest you’ve already climbed and celebrating, that you’re too busy to see the small beautiful things in your everyday life or perhaps you are in fact not doing work that you actually want to be doing. As a wise person once said, “be careful what you’re good at, for you might end up doing it for the rest of your life”. In your case, it looks as though there’s a large functional structure at work here, so it may be hard to decide how to best move forward.
Keep reading to get a loving and cheerful look at what has held other people back at this stage that might inspire you. You’re also getting some practical advice that I invite you to take playfully and with a pinch of salt.
What’s Holding You Back
No matter which stage you’re at, we all have a little voice in our heads that tries to keep us safe by keeping us un-extraordinary. I lovingly call this self-deprecating chatter “bullshit” and it’s best dealt with by visualising it as coming from a little monster, a bullshit monster!
People who find themselves in Dedication sometimes meet Notyetta, who behaves like your main squeeze while making you delay absolutely everything that matters to you.
Notyetta claims to be your biggest fan, but shows her affection by being overprotectively invasive. Whenever you are about to show big emotions, blurt out something you’re excited about, share a non-rehearsed pitch or address the person you look up to, she kicks the breaks: “Let’s reschedule that. You’re not ready yet. You would only be misunderstood. This really isn’t the right space or time”.
Notyetta prefers for you to shelve your emotions, especially intense ones like anger or elation. She’ll also have you postpone your plans of getting admin support, childcare or a personal trainer to when you’re more successful, regardless of how successful you already are.
Dream Eater
You may also encounterthe Dream Eater, a sneaky ant-eater-like monster that feeds off of dream seeds. Dream seeds aren’t actual mature dreams, but the innocent childish non-logical musings that could have the potential to simply inspire you, or show you an ingredient you may be missing.
For instance, you may sometimes imagine yourself as a sailing instructor, being outdoors with the sun and wind in your face. The Dream Eater will creep in, sniffing your dream seed. It’ll whisper how little sailing instructors earn, that they can only work one season a year, that the job sucks when you can’t work as soon as there’s no wind (talk about depending on someone unreliable!) and that you’d be throwing away everything you’ve accomplished so far. You’ll shrug off the imagery and willingly discard your seed, that’ll immediately be gobbled up by the Dream Eater.
What to do?
You may be telling yourself that something is really wrong because you are “obviously missing an important element here”. Well, before you overly chastise yourself or run off and dramatically quit your job, please stop and give yourself some credit. You’ve set up a functional system that takes care of your needs while producing great value. This is way more valuable than you may currently perceive!
Now, as to doing something you love, I propose a threefold approach, namely cultivating positive feelings, acknowledging what’s already working and doing less things that suck. Give it a try.
Cultivating positive feelings is a little like dipping your toe into dreamland, without the feeling of having to change anything or do anything different. Instead, you become aware of the feelings that you’d like to cultivate in your current reality. How do you want to feel? Make a list. If you can say “I want to feel _____”, it’s a valid reply. See how you can make that happen right now.
Next, look at your current work setup and consider what’s already working. With your scoring it can’t be that bad. Perhaps you appreciate the people, the freedom, or being in an analytical consulting position? Make a list.
Finally, make a list of all the tasks or elements of your work that you find dreadful.
Now, puzzle a little! How you can feel more of how you want to feel right now in your current set-up? Can you focus more on the things that are working and delegate more of the soul-sucking ones? Your future path could be anything from finding a new employer, working in a completely different field that requires your skills, or it could be a purely emotional shift within your current setup.
Either way, you’re a winner!
And now what?
Go and be your brilliant purpose-driven self. You are on your path even when it doesn’t feel like it!
Plus, I’ve got your back. I’ll be in your email inbox in the next few days to help you contextualise your results and put them into action.
All you have to do is give me permission to land in your inbox by confirming your subscription. If you can’t find the email, check your junk folder and whitelist me.
With ease and confidence,
Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll be getting
Why asking yourself “what’s my purpose?” is one of the most useless ways of going about working with purpose (even if you really want to know)
What to do instead
How to deal with Bullshit Monsters® when you meet them out in the wild (procrastination, fear of ridicule, perfectionism - I’ve got you covered!)