Hey Monster-Friend!
We don’t want an FAQ page with questions nobody ever asks themselves like “What colours did you use for printing Bullshit Monsters®?!” just so we can tell you that they’re locally made with biodegradable paints (although we’re pretty proud of that). Instead, we invite you to actually ASK YOUR QUESTION OVER ON THE RIGHT to help us create a page based in people’s real questions.
We’ll answer it via email and then update this page. Deal? Deal.
How does the Bullshit Monsters® concept work?
Bullshit Monsters® secret mission is to give people tools to speak about their bullshit shamelessly, with fun and then get over it fast. Because one thing’s for certain: we all have limiting beliefs, fears, worries, social should’s that affect the way we make decisions. You may not know it, but your perfectionism is stopping you from showing up. You have no clue, but mistrust in your colleague is sabotaging your project. You have a tiny inkling that you may be procrastinating, but you have no idea why and what to do about it.
The problem is that the realisation usually doesn’t help, because all you do is judge yourself: “Here I go again! If I worked out with the same commitment as I procrastinate, I’d have a six pack by now!” And that doesn’t help your six pack or the way you feel about yourself.
Bullshit Monsters® to the rescue: by viewing your bullshit as an external entity that has dropped by for a little visit, you can deal with it more easily. “Ah, Perfect Penelope is around again, huh?! I better just hit send rather than spending the next 2 hours perfecting this email”. You see, Bullshit Monsters® aren’t you, they’re global patterns that affect absolutely everyone! The sooner you recognise the monster, the sooner you can loosen its grasp on you. Bullshit Monsters® are here to help you make better choices, faster.
Can I use the cards for anything?
The research behind Bullshit Monsters® was conducted with leaders and entrepreneurs and the monsters focus on bullshit in the work context. It doesn’t matter whether you are job-hunting, fed up with your meeting culture or building your own business.
How do I use the cards for myself?
One of our favourite ways to use the cards is synchronicity style. Think of a question you’d like answered, such as “Why in seven heavens have I been stuck with this project for weeks?”
Then, spread out the cards in front of you, face down and pull one. Look at the image and name and see if you have any associations. If this monster were sitting on your shoulder, what would it be telling you about your project?
Next, grab the booklet and look up the corresponding monster. You’ll find a short description, its effect, what to do about it, as well as a paragraph describing this monster’s typical effect in teams.
Take from the description whatever resonates with you and take according action. This method works phenomenologically. You’re experiencing a certain phenomenon and the card you pick can give you a framework to better understand it.
If you’re experiencing a particular shitty emotion and would like to uncover its reason, use the glossary of symptoms in the back of the booklet. Look up the symptoms that most closely resemble what you’re experiencing and read the according monster descriptions.
How do I use the cards in teams?
A team favourite is to use the Bullshit Monsters® as a warm-up exercise to get to know each other better.
Open with words such as:
“I’d like to do a little exercise using this deck of Bullshit Monsters®. Bullshit Monsters® represent the 64 most common patterns of stuckness in business. So the chances are pretty high each one of us has experienced each of these monsters at one time in our professional lives. The problem is, that in the professional world we tend to pretend that we aren’t affected by them. Which causes us to wear protective professional masks and perhaps even wonder whether it’s normal for us to feel insecure about something cause we seem to be the only ones.
We’re going to play a little game that’s all about sharing a true story that goes with one of the monsters. Your story can be recent or old, big or small in its impact. What’s important is that it was true for you! Please know that there is no good or bad or right or wrong.
Let’s try it out and pick a first card, read its description and effect. I’m going to share a story of when I experienced this monster. {Share story}.
Did anyone else remember a personal story related to this monster?”
Have them share theirs too and then pick the next card. Whoever has an association shares their story and picks the next card until everyone has told a story. If the last person doesn’t resonate with the picked card, invite them to share any story about a challenge they had in the work context.
It helps to applaud after each story and say thanks for sharing, making it easier for people to share something that may feel vulnerable.
Another way to use the cards is to simply keep them in your meeting room. When the meeting feels stuck or you’re trying to analyse a problem, but not really getting a clear diagnosis, pick a card for the team.
Explain: “These cards represent the 64 most common patterns behind stuck decision-making in the form of Bullshit Monsters®. How about we take 3 minutes to randomly pick one for this situation and see how it’s related!”
Pick the card and read it out. Perhaps it feels fitting or perhaps it inspires a new way to think about the situation at hand!”
You can also use the cards without the description. For instance you’re analysing why a particular situation didn’t go as planned. Spread out all the monsters face up and invite small teams of three to walk around the room and pick the Bullshit Monster they find had most of an impact. Based solely on its name and looks, have each team invent a story of what the little monster does, what its effect is and how it can be countered.
Have a particular situation you’d like to use the monsters in but don’t quite know how? Use the contact form below and we’re happy to share our approach for your particular situation.
What if I lose a card or the booklet?
If you lose a single card or the booklet, get in touch with us using the contact form above and we’ll see whether we’ve got a replacement in stock.
Can I send them as a gift with a card and wrapping 'n stuff?
Sure thing! Send us an email to hello@letsworkmagic.com with BULLSHIT MONSTERS® GIFT ORDER in the subject line. We'll handwrite one paragraph on a card for you, wrap the package and send it off with love, and obviously without an invoice attached. Then, place your order normally and make sure you get the shipping address right!
Are they available in other languages?
Bullshit Monsters® are currently available in English and German.
I am a coach: Can I use the cards in my own workshop?
Sure thing! We love it when people share their ways of using Bullshit Monsters® with us. Feel free to use #bullshitmonsters and tag us @letsworkmagic or send us an email and let us know all about your workshop: hello@letsworkmagic.com