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#Fruitful Doer
Rooted knowing
Solid ground
What Your Result Means
You scored highest in “you’re great at it”. Congratulations, you know exactly what you are good at and have a deeply rooted trust in your abilities, which makes you feel solid and capable.
In fact, you scored so high on “you’re great at it”, that in comparison, “you love it”, “you are paid for it”, and “the world needs it” only seem to play minor parts in your current reality. You’re likely pretty clear on what you don’t want, but might be clueless or doubtful as to how to move forward. As someone wise once said “be careful what you’re good at, for you may end up doing it for the rest of your life”.
Now before you pour yourself a glass of tequila, please remember that this test is just a snapshot of your right now and does not attempt to establish any kind of typology. Your missing areas are simply those calling for some attention and you might just discover options previously labeled as impossible or not for you.
Mastery is a brilliant place on which to build a purposeful career by creatively bringing together your competence and desires. Keep reading to see what has held other people back at this stage plus some practical advice for moving forward that I invite you to take with a pinch of salt (and a slice of lemon).
What’s Holding You Back
No matter which stage you’re at, we all have a little voice in our heads that tries to keep us safe by keeping us un-extraordinary. I lovingly call this self-deprecating chatter “bullshit” and it’s best dealt with by visualising it as coming from a little monster...a bullshit monster.
People who find themselves in Mastery usually encounter Bullshit Monsters® that attempt to keep you in a place of predictable performance, for instance by discouraging you whenever you consider doing something new or different.
Meet Zover, who likes reminding you that the best day to plant a tree was thirty years ago. It points out that if you had trained every day since age six, you would be a professional dancer or tennis player by now. But you didn’t. It insists that it’s too late to speak your mind, change careers or your aspirations. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that Zover spews negativity because it would have liked to be majestically striped and was never finished. There’s a lot of bitterness and regret here. Know that it likes visiting multi-passionate people who are great at starting projects and perhaps less good at finishing them or having an eye for details.
You may also make Fairy Sobother’s acquaintance. She has the tendency of making you feel like an inconvenient burden on her magical to-do list.
Fairy Sobmother
Fairy Sobmother calls you “child” and flutters around you, sighing as she takes notes of all your flaws. She mutters “oh dear, oh dear” as she counts seven, no, eight wrinkles around your eyes. Apparently, she’s here to help you prepare for whatever you’re working on, but in the process, manages to make you feel worse than before: overweight, unattractive and generally unfit for the job. She tugs a bit of fabric here and tucks in a bland strand of hair there. “This will have to do. We’ve already invested too much so there’s no point stopping now”.
What fascinates you?
What would be dreamy?
How do you want to feel?
What feeling needs to shift, so you can love what you're already good at?'
If dreaming is hard to do, what irks you about your current place?
Sometimes the opposite of what you dislike can act like the floor path marking in a smoke-filled airplane that isn’t (yet) going to the land of purpose.
What to do?
Since you’re perceivable “only” good at it, with low pay, identification and larger meaning, it’s easy to consider dropping everything you’re good at on the hunt for something new and exciting. That’s understandable! You may also want to consider looking for an overlap of your current skills and a situation in which you are financially held and supported, perhaps in rather low-pressure ways, so that you can invest your freed up mental capacity to truly get to know your desires and think about how they go with the skills you have. But that’s for you to feel out.
The winning combinations seem to entail mixing solid skills + crazy dreams.
The way to get there is usually not to be trying to forcibly connect the dots and come up with something that makes sense. Instead, see your desires, passions, interests, curiosities and dreams as little pots with potions in them. Smell them individually and then see what happens if you pour a few of them together.
And now what?
Go and be your brilliant purpose-driven self. You are on your path even when it doesn’t feel like it!
Plus, I’ve got your back. I’ll be in your email inbox in the next few days to help you contextualise your results and put them into action.
All you have to do is give me permission to land in your inbox by confirming your subscription. If you can’t find the email, check your junk folder and whitelist me.
With ease and confidence,
Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll be getting
Why asking yourself “what’s my purpose?” is one of the most useless ways of going about working with purpose (even if you really want to know)
What to do instead
How to deal with Bullshit Monsters® when you meet them out in the wild (procrastination, fear of ridicule, perfectionism - I’ve got you covered!)