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#Exhilarating Immersion


Vigorous inner fire

#Home within yourself

What Your Result Means


You scored highest in “you love it”. In fact, you scored so high that in comparison, “you’re great at it”, “you are paid for it”, and “the world needs it” only seem to play minor parts in your current reality. 

That is wonderful, because you love your thing, topic, project, industry or overall direction so much, that it feels as though you’ve found your place here, something you can truly identify with. It is likely that you want to head further in this direction, but since you scored much lower in the other spheres, that perspective may seem daunting or perhaps even impossible at times. 

Your results suggest that you are at a dreaming stage, whether you’re just starting out or about to transition into a new phase. You are nurturing your mental imagery, strengthening your resolve, learning and growing, but are probably lacking in the areas of concrete manifestation. 

Don’t you dare belittle your accomplishments! Passion is a powerful place to begin from because it’s much easier to enter new fields from here than to work with something you just don’t love. Plus, please remember that this test is just a snapshot of your right now and does not attempt to establish any kind of typology. 

Passion is a vibrant place upon which to build a purpose-driven career - you just have to step out into the real world and do real things, while continuously nurturing your sense of excitement.  Keep reading to see what has held other people back at this stage plus some practical advice for moving forward that I invite you to take with a pinch of salt (and some delicious dark chocolate).

What’s Holding You Back


No matter which stage you’re at, we all have a little voice in our heads that tries to keep us safe by keeping us un-extraordinary. I lovingly call this self-deprecating chatter “bullshit” and it’s best dealt with by visualising it as coming from a little monster...a bullshit monster. 

People who find themselves in Passion usually encounter Bullshit Monsters® that attempt to make them and their dreams seem worthless or, alternatively, render their capacity to fulfil them miniscule. 


Book, the Worm

Meet Book, the Worm for instance, an overqualified bully who secretly collects other people’s diplomas. His stodgy body snakes itself around piles of dusty manuscripts and instruments of unidentifiable use. He wears glasses (without a nose?) and peers at you resolutely, informing you that unfortunately you don’t qualify for dream manifestation. “You simply don’t know enough, haven’t read enough and would need to attend at least another (impossibly expensive) course for minimum certification!” His aim? To make you feel worthless and ready to drop it all. He undermines you by placing his focus on your lack of intelligence. 

If that doesn’t work and you show an unwavering faith in your dream, you’ll likely meet Urgent Duster, a frenzied distractor who uses home improvement as a diversionary tactic. 

Bullshit+Monsters+by+Anais Bock

Urgent Duster

Urgent Duster is a frantic and slightly deranged monster who appears on the scene in moments when you’re slightly overwhelmed by the complexity of your situation. It dramatically interrupts you with a dusty smoke screen ploy to lure you away from your discomfort, drawing your attention to something that requires your immediate attention: the condition of your window frames or sorting your 10-year picture archive, for instance. 




 What to do?

Don’t even try to argue with Book, the Worm or the Urgent Duster. They’re terrible listeners and equally terrible company. At this stage, it’s much more useful to get to know your wiggle zone. That’s what I call the small space right outside your own comfort zone, where you feel scared, yes, perhaps even terrified, but where you are still able to act in sensible ways. From there, you’ll be able to take small but meaningful steps that require courage, but aren’t too crazy to wake bigger monsters that would result in a total meltdown or freeze. 

Once you’ve narrowed in on what actually matters to you away from all the toxic chatter, ask yourself the reflection questions.

Know that you have an inner fire that is here to stay. It’ll kindle your intentions and keep you moving forward. Live it any way you can. 

If you haven’t formulated or shared your dream, start there. Perhaps propose an internship with someone you admire to get exposure to making what you love a business.

If you already have been working on it, take a break and ask yourself why you want to do what you want to do. When you have an idea, take the respective small steps in the real world with them in mind, one by one. Ask for a recommendation, throw a business party. Dance it, share it, explain it...and become better at it. 

And why not pay some extra attention to the signs life surrounds you with? If you’re dreaming it, it’s all around you. In a shape of a bark, a sound a child makes on the street or the face of an old person passing you by. Dare to see these signs as encouragement. They’re as real it gets.

And now what?

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Go and be your brilliant purpose-driven self. You are on your path even when it doesn’t feel like it!

Plus, I’ve got your back. I’ll be in your email inbox in the next few days to help you contextualise your results and put them into action. 

All you have to do is give me permission to land in your inbox by confirming your subscription. If you can’t find the email, check your junk folder and whitelist me.

With dedication and big smiles,


Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll be getting

  • Why asking yourself “what’s my purpose?” is one of the most useless ways of going about working with purpose (even if you really want to know)

  • What to do instead 

  • How to deal with Bullshit Monsters® when you meet them out in the wild (procrastination, fear of ridicule, perfectionism - I’ve got you covered!)