Creating Despite Your Bullsh*t With Vicky Quinn Fraser (#02)

This one's gold for all you all you aspiring writers and bloggers or people who have failed at trying to put something out into the world. Vicky, a published author and book coach with inspiring blue hair, talks with Anaïs about the rollercoaster of running a creative business.

Check out Vicky’s work here: and get her book “How the Hell Do You Write a Book” here.

[02:04] Waiting for the muse versus believing you have creativity within you and not waiting for anyone
[04:30] On the fear of failure
[04.40] Being a worrier
[05:50] "What if everybody hates it?" – how to remove expectations that everyone will love it
[07:20] Podcast recommendation – The Secret Lives of Black Women
[07:50] How feeling sick before doing something meaningful never goes away and what's GOOD about that
[10:10] "You should give the advance back"
[12:30] "You haven't worked hard enough"
[13:50] On writing shitty first drafts
[16:20] On comparing your backstage mess with other people's filtered highlight reels
[17:00] On her book: "How the hell do you write a book?" and Vicky's take on author's bullsh*t
[20:30] Tactics against the 'inner d!ckhead'
[23:15] Running off to Turkey to NOT write a book– timing and wanting
[26:00] Overloading yourself and feeling like you have to do EVERYTHING

Anaïs Bock

Hey, I’m Anaïs (that’s “Ah-nah-ees”). I’ve been running Let’s Work Magic for over a decade. The lone wolf company that was born in Cairo during the Arab Spring has become a Germany-based top leadership consultancy specialised in designing and facilitating leaderhip offsites for CEOs and their top teams. I’m proud as a poodle and frequently write (and speak) about people-centric leadership, purpose-driven decision making and how culture and strategy can have breakfast together. In German, English and Spanish.

Why this place is called let’s work MAGIC? Well, if done will, top team work feels like magic. Stick around if you’re interested in building high performance leadership team while never ever losing out on the fun.

Impostor Syndrome And What to Do About It (#03)


Trailer: The One Where Anaïs Interviews Herself